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That's It - Epic Skin Protection

Born on Aotearoa’s wild west coast, where the waves pound, the wind howls and people know the value of a hard day’s work and play. That’s It make epic skin protection for the naturally adventurous from their home-grown Mānuka Oil - a highly effective, science backed, healer of the skin.

All Products are 100% New Zealand Made

That's It Lip Balm

SPF30+ with 100% high-grade NZ Manuka oil

Your go-to lip balm in a handy pocket tin built to protect and repair. You might be hardcore but your lips are not, show them some love with our SPF30+ lip balm. 

That's It Chamois Cream

100% natural, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal

Ideal for riding dirt, road, gravel or anywhere in between. Built to keep those cheeks free from irritation on your next adventure. 

That's It Anti-Chafe Gel

100% natural, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal

Built to protect you when out cycling, surfing, running or hiking. Perfect for those needing a little extra lubrication.

That's It First Aid Gel

Anti-bacterial & anti-fungal, made with high-grade NZ Manuka oil

Built to heal wounds and protect you from infection. A 100% natural antiseptic that is our go-to fix it gel for all those cuts, burns, bites and scrapes.

That's It Blister Stop Wool

NZ Lamb’s wool infused with high-grade NZ Manuka oil

Protect against blisters when running, hiking or walking. Don’t let blisters stop a good day out!

That's It Manuka Oil

100% natural high-grade NZ Manuka oil

Our liquid gold that works as a natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial aid. The key ingredient to all our products is a powerful tool and a must have around the house.  


A Natural Oil That’s Packed With Healing Power

Mānuka Oil is a fantastic ingredient for effective healing. With naturally anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal  properties, there’s countless ways for mānuka to get you back to the adventure